
 We all know it's important to hydrate before, during and after our workouts—but you may not know that room-temperature water better hydrates the body than cold water. Humans have to use energy to warm the water to absorb it, so although the cold may feel quenching, it will take longer to be utilized. You can try adding a pinch of salt to your water bottle to help balance any electrolytes you may have lost during a sweaty workout.


Upside-down Time

Lie on the floor in front of a wall with your knees bent, toes touching the baseboard.  Slide your feet up the wall, moving closer until comfortable, and take deep breaths.  "Easing the weight off your lower body improves circulation and calms your nerves," Says Gail O' Reilly cofounder of Yoga Mind Connection.


Briskly rub your hands together until warm, then press the palms to your forehead and slowly slide them down to your chin. Repeat.  "The body's energy s like traffic, and just like an accident halts cars, stress stops the flow of energy," says Tony Chon M.D from the Mayo Clinic's Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program.  Massaging pressure points can relieve the stress congestion.

Top 10 Breast Cancer Fighting Foods!

 Almonds, Spinach, Flaxseed, Salmon, Broccoli, Soybeans, Olive Oil, Beans, Garlic, and Green Tea.

Protect Yourself from Pollution 

If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.

Post Workout Consumption

For the first thirty minutes after a workout your body is still ready to exercise; your muscles have been innervated, they are ready to fire (workout) when you say so, and are not ready to begin repairing yet.  After thirty minutes, your muscles relax and begin to repair themselves.  This is when one would want to consume protein, because protein aids in the muscle rebuilding process.  So, if you consume your post-workout protein beverage 30 min to 1 hour after your workout, you will be helping your muscles rebuild during their primetime rebuilding process and maximizing the benefits of the protein you're taking. 

After 2-3 hours, you should consume a regular meal (with protein in it) to continue aiding in the muscle rebuilding process.  Do not 'treat' yourself to sweets or alcohol or whatever, for your muscles will still be crying out for protein and you will be feeding them sugar or alcohol or heavy carbohydrates...they want protein.  Remember 'You Are What You Eat'?  That is especially true on the days you exercise.  If you can eat properly after a workout and stay away from 'treats', your results will come faster than you expect.



Many people finish their workout with a set of crunches and then head right to the locker room. But after using your muscles and tightening them up, it's best to release the tension and return them to a relaxed state of tension. Simply stretching the main muscle groups (hip flexors, outer thighs, chest, shoulders and ankles) not only increases blood flow and circulation to reduce muscle soreness, but it also helps attain better posture and alignment.

Cooling down after excercise promote the rapid removal of lactic acid. Lactic acid builds up in the muscles after strenuous exercise and may cause tight soreness in your muscles the day after exercise. Stretching helps prevent this. 

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